We are The Fluffy System!

Here you will find all the information you'll need to get to know us! Such as; Who's in the system, DNIs and more!

Whole System collectively uses they/them and goes by Lou/Lucas as default/masking

ā‡§Social Mediaā‡§
ā‡©Navigation buttonsā‡©

Social media aliases:

Discord and SimplyPlural are private and will only be given to those we trust/know well

Fixations/Special Interests:Phighting, Regretevator, Garten of Banban, Rainbow Friends, Poppys Playtime, FNAF, DSAF, Dialtown, Dave and Bambi, Welcome Home ARG, Pizza Tower, Madness Combat, Undertale, Deltarune, Sonic, Mario, Splatoon, EXE/Creepypasta related things

Face Reveal āœŒ
(Jumpscare warning /j)

ā€¢ 19 ā€¢ self taught artist ā€¢(collective) Sexualities and stuff:Polyamorous
(common) Gender Identities:

any IRL/Psychosis will start with the alters base form emoji, then a different emoji, usually one related to the form/psychosis.
ex: šŸ’™ā­, šŸ’™šŸ’€
in this example, the base form emoji would be šŸ’™


ā€¢ Basic DNI ā€¢
(Pedophiles, Proshippers, Nazi's, zoophiles, bigots/lgbtqia+phobes, fakeclaimers, victim blamers)
endo/demo/tupla/willowgenic systems (Any "system" without trauma) + Anti-Recovery IRL'sNeopronoun or Xenogender haters/antisroleplay accounts can interact. Just dont expect us to roleplay back, don't treat us "characters" either.Anyone under 13, and anyone over 30 (Bodily wise, not alter wise) unless we say its okDSMP fans, Black Butler fans, Alfreds Playhouse fans,
Jojo fans (personal reason, past experience), [SHTWT + EDTWT]
(Just dont be toxic/
problematic, then we wont have a problem)


-Being called "kitten"
-The police and mentions of CPS
-Being stalked (irl/cyber)
-Intense eye contact
-Mentions of Sexual Assult
or Self Harm without TW
-Transgender fetishism
-Saying we're not real/fakeclaiming
-Reality checking/paranoia
-Mention of "Endless System" or "Universal System"
- Misophonia
- Athazagoraphobia
- Lilapsophobia
- Seirinaphobia
- Autophobia (abandonment)
- Emetophobia
- Trypophobia
- Scoptophobia
- Nyctophobia
- Glossophobia
- Enochlophobia
- Claustrophobia (rarer cases)
Different alters can also have different triggers due to source memories or experiences.
Ask them their triggers or otherwise be careful if they have a dangerous source/a source with triggering topics.
(Examples of triggering sources: Homestuck, The Walten Files, Call of Duty, Madness Combat, etc)


ā€¼ Don't be toxic ā€¼Don't be weird! (Yes we may
be 19, but that doesn't give
you permission to be a creep
or overly sexual)
We are AUTISTIC. If we do or say something wrong, tell us so we can correct ourselves immediately.
We cannot stress this enough- we've lost SO MANY FRIENDS due to lack of communication.
Don't be under 17 or over 21 if you're going to flirt with one of us. Joking or not.Don't flirt with our minors if you're an adult, don't flirt with our adults if you're a minor. (For serious flirting, joke flirting can also come off as creepy if you're 18+,
or uncomfortable to some
if you're a minor /info /lh)
Do not ask for someone else to switch in unless its an emergency or you are VERY close.If you aren't close to us or the alter, don't ask personal or invading questions. (Ex: Source memories, body count (/sx & /nsx), scars, trauma, etc)If we tell you no/stop, we mean it. Should be simple enough.